Tuesday 11 January 2011

Bird Dog

I think it could be possible to breed a lion with a dog, but weather it will turn out like this (minus the wings) I do not know?
As i removed the hair around the lion's face with the lasso tool and the rubber to deal out dark areas, the creature has started to look more realistic, although i find it amusing how the ears look like pigtails.


This Guard Animal consits of a zebra's head with a white horse body and an elephant for the botttom half of the body. 'Zebreleph' is my favourite animal that I have produced as i think that it looks the most realistic, preferably because it is all mammal.   

Pig-Headed rooster.

Being new to Photoshop, this was my first attempt to producing a Guard Animal. This day I learnt basic skills.  I started with images of a pig and a rooster where I learnt how to combined the pig’s body with the rooster’s head. I started off with selecting the area of the images that we were going to use using the lasso tool. The pig’s head was slightly oversized for the rooster’s body, this is when ‘Free Transform’ comes into it. ‘Free Transform’; found in ‘Edit’ on the task bar, lets you select an area that you want to re-size and rotate the angle of. Managing not to resize the subject too wide or too thin, you can hold down the ‘shift’ key during the process so that the selected part stays the same but just gets smaller or bigger.

Scorpion Tailed Monkey Spider

My first attempt of the Scorpion Spider                      
wasn’t ideal due to the fact that the tail                      

was not realistic, although the reason                        
 I chosen it is                                                                                        
because it looks like a negative effect;                         

it looks as though you can see the poison                  
circling through it. I went back onto                           
Google images and found a more                                    
precise one.

Here on this image you can see that
i have replaced the tail with the new
one and re-sized the head too.
However, i got a bit carried away
on experimenting with changing
the colour, i forgotten to save the
origional copy first.

Antler Snake Tail Bear

This image contains of a bear , deer antlers' and a snake.
The snake I have used for a tail, however, it was too bright for the body: on Photoshop I chose a brown  colour on the colour picker and coloured it in carefully, so that it camouflages in more with the rest of the body. The overall image was done on Photoshop.